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購物 Grocery Shopping

基本單字 Basic Vocabulary

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通道 - Aisle


購物袋 - Shopping Bag

/shop-ing bag/

籃子 - Shopping Basket

/shop-ing bas-kit/

購物車 - Shopping Cart

/shop-ing kahrt/

付錢 Paying

收銀員 - Cashier


條碼 - Barcode


錢包(男) - Wallet


錢包(女) - Purse


現金 - Cash


信用卡 - Credit Card

/kred-it kahrd/

農產品 Agricultural Products

米飯 - Rice


麵粉 - Flour


麵包 - Bread


高麗菜 - Cabbage


紅蘿蔔 - Carrot


番茄 - Tomato


洋葱 - Onion


蘋果 - Apple


橘子 - Orange


香蕉 - Banana


乳製品 Dairy Products

牛奶 - Milk


優酪乳 - Yogurt


奶油 - Butter


起司 - Cheese


調味品 Seasoning

鹽 - Salt


黑胡椒 - Black Pepper

/blak pep-er/

糖 - Sugar


例句 Example Sentences

Q: 我在哪裡可以找到鹽?Where can I find the salt?

A: 鹽在通道 10。The salt is in aisle 10.

Q: 清潔用品在哪裡?Where are the cleaning supplies?

A: 清潔用品在冷凍食品區後面。The cleaning supplies are behind the frozen food area.

Q: 乳製品區有什麼?What is in the dairy section?

A: 乳製品區有牛奶,優酪乳,奶油,起司,和其它乳製品。The dairy section has milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products.

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